Le rêve américain

Nous sommes une famille suisse qui avons la chance et l opportunité de vivre une expérience à l étranger. Grâce à la mutation de Sebastien aux USA, toute la famille pourra profiter du soleil de San Diego. C est ainsi que le 5 janvier 2012, Seb, Carole, Lena et Luca se sont envolés pour vivre le grand rêve américain.

dimanche 3 mars 2013

Hi everybody, our family is complete again. Seb had a safe trip going back home. We were so glad to see him back that we enjoyed doing staff together this week-end. We were surprised in the good way to see the Kiss statue back in the Harbor. We were just lucky with the weather and great temperature of 29 degrees C, 88 F on saturday, a little bit cooler on sunday . We had so much fun at the ocean in la Jolla, at the pool in our neighborhood and in Seaport Village...and now the week-end is already gone.

What a Mommy's job is while her daughter is drawing a lot !

Lena eating her third oysters

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